
I’m Sarah Mac. I’m a writer, mom, runner. This is my original running blog, Running Starfish, started in 2009 to chronicle my first (and supposed to be last) marathon, all the way through qualifying for the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon.

nuun + htc relay!

Exciting news! I made the cut for the Nuun Hood to Coast blogger team. I'm happy they accepted me despite my obvious Nuun addiction, which I am trying to turn into a healthy love...

Oh, Banana Nuun you saucy minx.

Hot cha cha! I'm excited to see what the HTC experience is all about and meet all the inspirational women runner/bloggers from across the country. You're sure to hear a lot more about it in the months to come. 

On a separate note, who likes banana Nuun? It's my *hands down* favorite but I notice it doesn't see much love. (Except from me of course, rawr!) And if not banana what's your flavor/mix?

turns out honey badger does give a sh*t...

two weeks until eugene