
I’m Sarah Mac. I’m a writer, mom, runner. This is my original running blog, Running Starfish, started in 2009 to chronicle my first (and supposed to be last) marathon, all the way through qualifying for the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon.


Time flies when you're training for your unicorn race.  In just 7 days I'll be standing on the starting line of the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon in LA. (knocking on all wood reachable). I feel that LA air. Midmorning, the day still cool but warming. And over a hundred woman jam packed, silent, fingers on watches and lucky necklaces, ready to start. My teammates here and there around me, ready to fly. 

Nearly nine weeks since I crossed the finish line at CIM on December 6th, running a 2:42:36 and qualifying for the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon. 

Eight (and a half) weeks since the standard changed from sub 2:43 to 2:45, meaning I was in by more than skin of my teeth. 

Eight weeks since I started this training block with a 3 mile hobble. 

Four weeks since training semi-paused and moved to the pool for a week to deal with old person walking to work problems (slipped on ice causing epic fall and barely could walk knee issues). 
Hospital shorts are so hot right now.
Two weeks since I danced around my house in my top secret Oiselle elite kit. 

One week (four hours and 7...6 minutes...) until the gun goes off in Los Angeles!!

Weeks in block: 9 (8 as of today) 
Average weekly mileage: 49
Highest mileage week: 62.7
Lowest mileage week: 34.6
Worst workout: Lap swim on Friday night January 8th. You know you're a shitty swimmer when the lifeguard yells down, "Honey, do you know the breast stroke?" and you (while trying not to throw up all the pool you've been drinking) have to admit that yes, you do but your knee won't bend that way. 

The other hard workout that wasn't soul crushing in the way that the pool is, was 2 x 6 mile tempo with a mile jog between on January 27th. First 6 goal pace: 6:10 - 6:05, second 6: 6:05 - 5:55. Actual last two miles ... 6:07, 6:08. Cold and gray, and by the end very hard. But mostly my mental game was weak, and it reminded me that while the last 10 feet of every marathon is THE BEST. The 26.1999 miles are hard and my mental game needs to be primed. 

I used the 4 mile shakeout at 7pm in torrential downpour to sharpen that mental game. I also bribed myself with picking up a cheeseburger on the run home, the bag practically disintegrated in the rain. The tough days are grow days. 

Best workout: 8 x mile at cruise with 1 min jog rest on February 3rd. Started at 6:11s and cut down to 6:05s. Just felt smooth despite cold and wind. This workout should feel smooth. It was a relief after the week before. 

This training block has had its ups and downs and MRIs, on race day I'll be the collection of these miles and my story so far. I keep reminding myself I can only be me and it's enough. I'm going to be present in the experience and collect the moments as memories from that time I ran the Olympic &*$^ Trials. 

"We will take the best parts of ourselves and make them gold." 


...but I'm going to live!