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Week 28: Vague Apologies + Baby's Exit Strategies

Week 28. Last trimester. I still can't really believe we're here. Feeling very lucky, needing a bigger word for lucky. Also feeling very large and sick. Alternating between nights I sleep like a rock, and others I sleep like a baby. Solid mom joke there. Get it? Get it? (It means I wake up every 2 hours). Trying to maintain my walks and dance routines. I am counting down to the release of the Jasyoga Yoga for Pregnant Athletes videos. 

Yes, I'm available for maternity modeling. My 3rd tri photoshoot while doing dishes.

I realize if there's anything more archaic then having a blog, it's having a personal blog you never update. Sorry and welcome back to 2004, babies! Looking back here I do have a few unpublished, including one that just needs format love/wrestling about moms I stalk ... follow... on Instagram. Coming soon!

I also have a larger scale piece I'm researching about c-sections. It's one of those topics that feels really important to me, and really big. Just like pregnancy research and rules, the more I dig the more confusing and contracting it is. I need Emily Oster to break it down for me. But it's just me and Google. Anyway, look for that. And if you have any questions, thoughts, or experiences I am so interested in hearing! Drop into the comments or

Personally here's what I've etched out for his... I am not saying plan...exit strategies? I have a c-section scheduled on June 18th and if he comes early I will do a "trial of labor" (that's what you call it when us previous c-sections labor). I don't care how he comes out, vaginally, through an incision, out my nostril...the goals are a healthy baby boy and me not crying for months thinking I "failed" as a mother because my body didn't want to participate in "normal" birth. See me, 2014. 

Armed with a few plans my doctor and I sketched up.

"Science" and society noise aside, I am confident in his possible exit strategies, I love and trust my doctor AND my body, and I will not be ashamed of how my baby is born. I'm lucky to currently be in a position to think about how to deliver, what appears on all tests to be, a healthy baby boy.